
Admins are responsible for not only deciding the apps that the team uses, but creating related processes and reporting on those processes as well. Thus we often base on content on what an admin would find interesting.

A Brief Guide On Salesforce File Storage Cost

Salesforce comes with limited file storage which can get expensive quickly as the file storage need increases. In this articles, we discuss how to reduce file storage cost in Salesforce by leveraging external file storage systems like Google Drive, SharePoint etc.

How to Use Video Training to Improve Your Sales Team’s Performance

This blog sheds light on why sales enablement video training should be the top priority for heavily sales-dependent organizations and guides you with video creation to equip your sales teams with updated techniques to capture the market.

Level-Up Your Sales Team with the Power of Sales Enablement

Sales enablement is a dynamic force. In more ways than one. We take a linear approach towards understanding this substructure of sales that will accelerate the rate of success and eventually kick your business to the zenith of where you want it to reach.

Customer Success: How to Supercharge Your Sales Conversion Rates

Sales is one of the most demanding jobs that keeps you on your toes round the clock. People involved in sales could use every little tool. In this article, we help you get acquainted with different KPIs that can actually help you figure out process bottlenecks.

Why You Need To Stop Using Email Attachments

Here we will learn why email attachments are outdated and explore the various aspects to be considered while sharing important files for businesses. These primarily include security & privacy aspects, important customer touchpoints such as interactions via chat and data governance.

What, Why And How Of Files Enablement

Files are important business assets that share proprietary information with customers and partners. Enabling your team with good file management practices will improve your business outcomes.

CRM vs ERP: What Exactly Is The Difference?

Traditionally businesses have been relying on ERP systems as a one stop solution for all their business processes. With the advent of CRM softwares which are hyper specialized towards customers, many firms are making the system. Let's understand the basic differences between them in this article.

Why Your Whole Team Should Use CRMs

CRMS are the best-in-class softwares for businesses to manage their customers. If you are in business and wondering if CRMs are a fit for you, then get acquainted with the underlying concepts for you to get started.

Types of Email Attacks and Ways to Prevent Them

Email bases attacks have been troubling internet users and businesses since the advent of the internet. Let's become aware of the most common way scammers attack businesses and cause monetary damages

How a Branded Domain Gives You Competitive Leverage

Brand elements are important for your business's identity. They help customers develop sub-conscious relationships with your business. They help build trust and a feeling of familiarity. Let's explore how Branded domains can help your brand.