
Sales teams are one of our focus groups whom we base most of our research on. This page contains all the articles that we have written with Sales teams in focus. This might include tips, app recommendations, process automations etc...

7 Tactics to get Warmer Leads For Sales Teams

Getting good warm leads for a business is usually difficult. However with some proper planning, customer education and good business practices you could over-come those challenges. So, here are 7 tactics to get warmer leads for your business.

How to get the First 10 Customers in a B2B Business

Getting customers is a difficult task for any business. Getting a hold of first 10 customers in your first B2B business is even more difficult. However, by following some time tested methods you can get started on the right track and ease your entry into the world of business.

Lead Segmentation: Why, What, When, Where...

Lead segmentation is a great way to group customers and satisfy their needs. It's the core of any marketing operation to ensure smooth customer journey based on their needs and wants. Let's explore the why, what ,when and where of lead segmentation.

How to Improve Your Sales Pitches Using CloudFiles

Learn to gain insights from your customers using CloudFiles and improvise your sales pitch to get the best conversions numbers. Increase your business revenue using CloudFiles integration with your CRM- HubSpot or Salesforce.

Why your Business needs Agile Sales Management

Sales practices have been evolving with the growth and innovation of various technologies. Here are great reasons why your business also needs to evolve and adopt agile sales management principles.

10 Best File Sharing Apps for Sales and Marketing in 2021

The online footing of businesses in the past few years have raised the need for faster and reliable sharing of documents and files more than ever before. Almost all major business operations are performed online these days.

10 Best File Sharing Apps for Sales and Marketing in 2021

Find the best file-sharing services for sales and marketing operations to get the best-in-class ROI. Get pricing, Pros and cons details and choose the best tools for your business.

How businesses are evolving their sales strategy post-COVID

Here are the ways Businesses are evolving their sales strategies to the detrimental effects of Covid and trying to maintain their revenue numbers.

How Neighbourhood saw a 20% uptick in conversions by eliminating proposal blindness...

Getting a hold of what your leads think about your business proposals is very difficult. Data analytics with CloudFiles can help your business fill the information asymmetry and improve your revenue. Here's how Neighbourhood overcame their proposal blindness issues.

Effective Email Sales Strategies to Use For Your Campaigns

According to reports, there will be more than 4.2 billion users by the year 2022. Knowing how to tailor a sales email effectively is an integral part of ensuring a profitable ROI. This short read is aimed to show how you can use emails for sales effectively.